Code examples for the vscode tag - developer knowledge base ()

How to set up editorconfig in VSCode: step-by-step guide with example.
Autopep8 VSCode: Learn how to use it with an example. Improve your code's readability by running it through Autopep8.
"Learn how to connect editorconfig to vscode for better code formatting with an example!"
Disable Prettier in VSCode: learn to edit configs & disable the format-on-save feature with an example!
"Learn how to set up ESLint in VS Code, with a step-by-step example of setting up a linter for your project."
"Learn how to use Prettier in VSCode to improve your code formatting with a simple example."
"Learn how to use Prettier in VSCode, a popular code editor, with a simple example."
Learn how to set up Sass in VSCode, with a step-by-step example to get you started.
Learn how to easily move HTML classes to CSS using VSCode, with an example to get you started!
An article on how to solve PHP not found errors in VSCode, with a step-by-step guide and an example.
"Learn how to quickly set up a live server in VS Code with this step-by-step guide and example."
Discover why your Prettier setup in VSCode isn't working & how to fix it with this step-by-step example.
"Learn how to install Node.js in VSCode, step-by-step, using a practical example."